© 2014 laurenbarnett

Student-Led Conference

I am going to tell you about how this year in math is going so far. I am doing so much better in math than I have done in my last years of math that ive had. I’ve kept my B all year long so far. I’ve also learned how to add and subtract negative numbers. I struggled with it until l I finally go it. Also Ive learned how to multiply and divide negative numbers I found it easy when I got the hang of it. I can preform the distributive negative numbers. I have a stuggle with that but I know that im going to get better at it as I practice. I can combine like terms and combine like terms using ther destribeutive property. I can evluate positve zero and negitve exponets wich are really easy. I can simplafiy expressions. I find that easy well thats all for now byeee

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